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Tree Farmer Alert  
Sunday, April 14, 2019
Over 800 readers and growing!

Wildfire Community Preparedness Day

An opportunity for Tree Farmers

contributed by
Judy Bolton
Tree Farmer


Saturday, May 4, 2019 is Wildfire Community Preparedness Day. This is
an annual event sponsored nationwide by the National Fire Protection
Association (NFPA) and State Farm Insurance to promote wildfire
community safety and encourage wildfire risk reduction. This day presents
Tree Farmers with a special opportunity to strengthen community bonds
and share information on forest health and the benefits to all forest land
owners of creating defensible space.

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Two Week Notice | 2019 Joint Annual Meeting | CO/WY SAF | CTIA |CTF


Attached is a flyer and agenda for the 2019 Joint Annual Meeting of the Colorado/Wyoming Society of American Foresters + Colorado Timber Industry Association + Colorado Tree Farmers Association.  This will be a fine meeting with great food and plenty of time to visit with each other at the West Metro Fire Rescue Training Center in Lakewood, CO.


April 25, 26, 27 . . . The meeting is fast approaching and is only two weeks away.


Here are some additional details that wouldn’t fit on the attached flyer:

·        The annual business meetings for CO/WY SAF, CTIA and CTFA will all take place at the same location, from 1-5 PM, on Thursday, April 25th, in separate meeting rooms.

·        The plenary session is all day on Friday, April 26th, with a BBQ & Beer Banquet in the evening.

·        The field trip will last about 4 hours on Saturday, and will be over about 1 PM.

·        The agenda is still under construction, and will be out soon.  The focus will be on what we can do, as foresters, natural resource managers, fire staff, industry professionals and others to help improve results on the ground in a profitable manner.  

·        There will be SAF CFE credits (probably about 10) for the meeting and GTR-373 field trip.

·        The meeting is priced to fit your budget, and there will plenty of good food.

·        If you would like a vendor table, contact Stacie Holmes   stacie.holmes@bia.gov    for more information.

·        As always, we will have a Forester Fund Raffle, so please bring an item and some cash for tickets.  Email Cary Green   cgreen@fs.fed.us   to let him know your intentions.

·        As always, folks from the surrounding states and non-members are welcome to attend.

·        Registration instructions, by credit card or mail in check, are on the flyer.  If you have any questions, please contact Matt Etzenhouser   metzenhouser@fs.fed.us   or Bill Yemma   wyemma@fs.fed.us   for more information.

·        If you register by credit card, please be sure to check the $5.00 processing fee at the bottom of the page.

We look forward seeing you then!

Chris Farley

2019 Chair

Colorado / Wyoming Society of American Foresters




How Tree Diversity Regulates Invading Forest Pests

contributed by
NC State University


To better understand how nonnative insects and diseases invade U.S. forests, researchers tested conflicting ideas about biodiversity. The first is that having more tree species can facilitate the diversity of pests by providing more places for them to gain a toehold. Another possibility is that tree biodiversity can have protective effects for forests, such as by diluting the pool of host trees and making it harder for pests to become established.  

“We found that both facilitation and dilution seem to be happening at the same time,” Potter says. “What we found is that native tree biodiversity really is important, but it’s important in different ways at different times.”

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contributed by
LaVonne Ewing
PixyJack Press



Ignoring a bear’s activity encourages it not only to continue, but to escalate. The longer people wait to report conflicts and remove attractants, the more likely it is that some bears will push past the limits of tolerance and destroy property or threaten humans.

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How Do You Bring a Forest Back To Life?

contributed by
BBC Future


Half a millennia ago, forests covered much of the Iberian peninsula. But that soon changed. Centuries of wars and invasions, agricultural expansion and woodcutting for charcoal and shipping wiped out most of the woods and transformed places like Matamorisca, a small village in northern Spain, into degraded landscapes.

The region’s arid climate and depleted soils would be a recipe for disaster in your average reforestation program, but for the Amsterdam-based Land Life Company it’s an ideal place.

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Biomass for Energy in AZ

contributed by
Daniel Bowker
Forest and Fire Project Manager
Coalition for the Poudre River Watershed
Bruce Benninghoff
Consulting Forester

The ponderosa pine forests in Arizona are severely overgrown from more than a century of fire suppression and livestock grazing, which eliminates the frequent, small fires that kept the tree growth in check.

The U.S. Forest Service can pay to cut and burn the excess trees, but such thinning projects are expensive. Finding a commercial use for the small trees has been a challenge, which makes burning them for electricity attractive.

Read More from Daniel

Read More from Bruce



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